New CIS offices
We started 2019 were we left off 2018 by expanding our presence with two other CIS offices.
On 15 March we opened our new sales office CIS Commodity Inspection Services (Suisse) Sàrl in Geneva, Switzerland.
Geneva being the trading hub it is today, our new office offers the opportunity to keep close ties with the world’s
most renowned trade houses while at the same time getting to know the youngest start-up companies of the industry.
In addition to commercial activities, this office will also provide certification services to our clients.
The full style of CIS Commodity Inspection Services (Suisse) Sàrl reading as follows:
CIS Commodity Inspection Services (Suisse) Sàrl
35 Route des Jeunes
1227 Carouge
Person in charge:
Olivier Duport
M + 41 79 754 42 84
E This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.